Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Voting for Voting Sake

I want to point out something to you with much emphasis. Just because your vote doesn't matter doesn't mean you shouldn't vote. Voting should come to you as though it were an embedded instinct no different than drinking water. You have to understand that your vote is a brave and bold statement that impacts nothing. It has nothing to do with how we are to be socially engineered over the long term. You will be taxed, hopefully at higher rates for the middle class and less for my class (I need something to celebrate during these dire times for the non-rich). I'm sorry, did I say middle class? I have been out of step with the lower classes for so long, enjoying my powerful status that I achieved by drinking coffee from my Corporate Dick coffee mug and wearing my comfortable Corporate Dick casual shirt, that I don't even know if a middle class exists today. So if it doesn't, please insert the word "poor" in place of middle where appropriate. Now where was I, oh yes, your vote has no impact on what will happen with the Iraq war or how many sexually transmitted diseases CEOs will contract in the future. I kind of thought Tommy Wilson there at Allstate looked like he was feeling discomfort from crabs when he was addressing the nation during the Ohio State/Louisiana State BCS game. I know how those buggers can itch at ya. Go Tommy! So your vote doesn't matter but you still need to vote so you can complain with all the conservative liberal blather that makes you feel that your existence matters. That you are part of something larger than yourself before you get lonely. That you are doing something for the greater good of nothing even though nothing matters.


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