Friday, January 18, 2008


Ah, now perhaps you will see how G. W. Bush is the second greatest CEO next to me. GW understands the game. You always come to the rescue of CEOs who get into dire straits. CEOs should never be admonished or told they have done a bad job. It’s not the CEOs fault that the minions don’t accept full responsibility for their personal plight. Just because something is shown on television doesn’t mean everyone has to aspire to mock it. There is nothing more pathetic than a desperate CEO trying to look like a desperate housewife. Keep in mind that the markets are very similar to desperate housewives, and CEOs need to respond accordingly to both good and bad markets, the same as they respond to good and bad desperate housewives. Markets at least provide interest whether they are good or bad. Desperate housewives, whether good or bad, will only return losses. This has been known since the beginning of gender bias. G. W. Bush knows this rudimentary issue. So with this in mind we see that a plan is being set forth to try to stimulate desperate housewives into shopping frenzies. The key question is will we be able to embed desperate housewives into market interest returns as was done with news analysts in the invasion of Iraq that we won? Will the second greatest CEO of all time, G. W. Bush, be landing on another aircraft carrier declaring the stimulation is working, or will he inform us that a divorce between non-married same sex couples will be allowed and indoctrinated as an amendment to our constitution? Party at Ted Kennedy’s tonight!!


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