Thursday, January 17, 2008


There are two kinds of leaders. Leaders that lead and leaders that follow. CEOs have to be both depending on which situation at the moment covers their actions in the most appropriate manner. CEOs without this critical talent will fail at most everything they do and don’t do. You cannot be here and there at different times. You must be ever present. It is this simple, yet valuable and fundamental requirement, that allow the corporation that the CEO is in charge of, to survive and operate smoothly even in severe times of dysfunction. There is nothing tantamount to chaotic rationality. CEOs would rather surround themselves with money laundering smugglers with MBAs than safety net huggers. Those who grasp what I, the most powerful CEO of all time, am stating here will “get it” and rise to the upper echelons of something in their own mind. Those who don’t will falter into a simple role of employee, and most likely end up with a nice retirement nest egg. CEOs, however, live life to the fullest extent that is not possible. Remember, it’s the little things that leak.


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