Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Courts Act in Favor of CEOs

I am extremely happy with the courts ruling today that basically tell pesky whiny shareholders to bug off should they discover that they were defrauded. CEOs, their companies, and their associates cannot be bothered by shareholder lawsuits that perpetuate bad returns and longstanding clouds of gloom over what should only be touted as glorious enterprises. Until shareholders realize their loss is good for the economy because someone benefited from their loss, the economy will continue to falter and spin into liberal chaos. Retribution is pure silliness. That is why Al Gore would never have made a good CEO. Such a cry baby. CEOs have been taking it on the chin under the double standard long enough. Hate us as you wish, but don't try to make us pay for providing you the ability to hate us. The courts have spoken for the people and the people prefer Wall Street and business be treated more fairly than shareholders. After all it's the company that makes the shareholders. Let's not forget who butters our bread and who drinks the better wine.


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