Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Baby Doomers

Enough! What are these market analysts and media bozos doing preaching as if any baby boomer will simply be able to cash in on their investments and retire and cause enormous destruction to the economy? Why do worker bees listen to such silliness? Any decent CEO will tell you that while doing our jobs we ensured that there are two separate waves of baby boomers forthcoming. The first wave will retire in assured comfort. These are the ones who rode the yes man wave and most climbed a few rungs of the corporate ladder one of three ways. They were actually useful to the company, they knew a friend who was employed in a management position, took full advantage of the "good ole boy" process, or they provided sexual favors to those in positions of power. Executive power. Straight up heterohomosexual extreme conservative religious right wing executive level power. Twisted mutations that branded CEOs with a stereotype of being equivalent to limp wrist milk toast Sally boys. These are just intolerable malicious slander. Either way, these are the ways in which the first wave of baby boomers were able to reach retirement nirvana, provided your new agents of change don't change the laws to redistribute that wealth to younger generations that are trying to avoid work place exploitation through conspicuous socialized communism tactics. That is a separate topic. Fear not America and especially those in the business and financial markets. The second wave of baby boomers were exploited like a rape victim that couldn't find any escape from assault. We implemented organizational flattening and removed many top level positions that forced lay offs and retraining programs to ensure those ranks were reoriented towards mental acceptance of low expectations. Then we introduced new lean concepts, sick sigma, happy feel good paper certificate awards, trust and team building seminars, increased housing prices, school tuition, oil prices, property taxes, local taxes, sales taxes, subliminal federal taxes, insurance prices via the sky is falling hysteria tactics, and we intentionally provided the impetus for out of control spending to ensure these baby boomers also consumed vast levels of debt. From all of this we bent these poor suckers over and never even offered them barrels of Vaseline to ease the pain. It didn't matter as they've been so busy hoping they don't lose their jobs that they never even notice the reductions in benefits each year when we announce new and exciting changes are coming. To keep them divided we introduced political correctness and sensitivity training so they would be sensitized to the correct political protocol to use when addressing great CEOs.

How could anyone possibly think baby boomers will be retiring? They are going to be a very cheap and exploitable resource to every business wanting cheap labor.


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