Saturday, April 12, 2008

A Message From Corporate Dick's CEO

I take great pride wearing my new Corporate Dick Long Sleeve TShirt using my Corporate Dick Mousepad while enjoying my morning coffee from my Corporate Dick Coffee Mug. I feel at ease, comfortable and safe from those corporate elements that try to invade my elitist thoughts that must be manifested upon the masses. It is at this point I see the hand come around the door jam and feel for the light switch. I know as soon as it is flipped to the on position my thoughts, my critical thoughts, will shuffle amongst the turmoiling and inner chaos that surrounds CEO greatness. The hand searches the wall and finds the light switch. The click of the switch rings like a town criers yell in my mind as I realize the thoughts that will start to transcend through me and interrupt what my cranium is processing at that very moment of occurrence.


So the ticker symbol is CEO and the current price is 156 per share with a volume of 230,000,000. Outside the weather is changing and cement is being poured somewhere at a rate equivalent to a mountain creek that forms temporarily from snow melt runoff. Inside the sauna at a health club is someone sitting in a steam room, another in a sauna, another in a hot tub and some are running on treadmills or pretending to be interested in health but only there for the social engagements that need to occur to get laid. Trolly speaks to me but my mind is moving so fast processing thoughts that I do not hear her completely. Simon the finance controller attempts to get my attention but I pay more attention to the bird that just flies by the penthouse windows here at the Corporate Dick Headquarters building. Camera light bulb flashes seem to be going off but I cannot tell and the smell of coffee reminds me to get a refill and re savor using my Executive Corporate Dick Coffee Mug. I see motion over at the light switch and my grey skin returns to its normal state. Taxes are due. The hand flips the light switch to off and my state returns to my previous manner.


As I reach all in the critical masses they will begin to feel a joy never felt before. An inner peace that provides elation and realizations that I am the greatest CEO ever. Their funny bones will be overcome with such laughter that... I see the hand motion to the light switch. I beg inside for it to not switch to on. To no avail


Looking out to the world through the eyes of a cow I realize I am trapped in a maze of constant chewing. A pick up truck can be heard and the morning dew on the pasture is annoying this time. Trolly speaks to me again but I still pay little attention. The conference room table seems larger than normal today but it feels good to be sitting in my Corporate Dick Chief Executive Chair. The elements of global warming are linked directly to the inversion of the rates of gender specific cancers that are prorated to undeniable positions of polarity across party lines. Coffee consumption will increase as economic times grow worse. Home values are purposely driven to perverted lows to keep the psychological impacts as large as possible. This will provide generous opportunities for the wealthy to gain more wealth, divide the social spectrum to tighter cluster groups, and ignite some tense situations that will continue to instill the false belief that the Major news media and top comedians are one and the same.


So it is with this single thought that I hope all will enjoy the wonderful and enlightening products and entertainment that Corporate Dick Inc. provides. We will continue to strive to grow our entertainment content to greatness as our revenue streams grow. Corporate Dick is the most powerful company in the world and you know what we mean!


Syphilis is contracted by purchasing power and investment in hedge funds that follow the money. Outsourcing jobs to fourth world countries can return enormous profits of which any female will confess, size does matter. Factors for world peace are fictitious and only utilized to institutionalize, divide and acquire, wealth, control, and political clout that enables transitional social engineering to accept things as they are. Agents of change are never what they claim to be.


Trolly, I think I would like to go to lunch. Care to join me?

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