Friday, April 4, 2008

A Happier Place - You Must Feel Good

True joy comes from being rich and elite. Today I am overjoyed knowing that the ruling order will begin to reclaim its just place through ostentation to the groveling lower expectational masses. The elation I, and my fellow wealthy beyond any meaningful needs friends, will feel as price hikes begin to trickle down to those who should rightly continue to whine and pay for our style of living, will pump their cash right out of their pocket books and into my numerous cash accounts. The great CEOs such as I will go unscathed yet again as lawmakers realize if they come after us the process will bear out that they were just as sinister as all of our self righteous forefathers of wealth and nation building. Hike the air fares, raise the prices across all goods and services, push the limits in all ways possible so the ones affected become numb with total financial devastation numbness. There are vast amounts of money to be made and new public relations gimmicks just waiting to be implemented. Some have been taking advantage prematurely which will cause a minor divide within the circle of the wealthy but all inside the circle know that the band wagon to jump onto is the green wagon. Oh how we will push ourselves upon the lower expectationals with the feel good fodder that we are ever searching for ways to recycle or discover new Earth friendly resources. Why we even send out letters asking them to sign up for donations on their billings to help us find these wonderful things that will prevent the universe from warming the Earth like a hot branding iron that will melt your being until your bones boil like scalding milk. But it is working! And we have the media on our side though it appears they are on the side of the common schmuck.

I love the media as they portray themselves to care about all of the various causes, the disdain they cloak themselves in when covering a disdainful story, and their ability to stir up the masses by saturating themselves like vanilla extract poured into the ingredients of vanilla wafers and then crushed and sprinkled over vanilla flavored ice cream. How they scour at extremely rich and powerful elites such as I. Oh the shear ignorance of the lower expectational classes as they think those holding the cameras and microphones are truly on their side and providing them representation. Imagine if the lower expectational could experience the sudden brightens of a new light bulb being turned on in their simpleton and tiny craniums. How much exposure light would illuminate the fact that those holding the microphones and the cameras are more in bed with the great and elite rich ones such as myself as they continue to excrete their hypocrisy. What is in their wallets? Is not that the question asked by Capital One? It is so humorous when you see the play on words that is perpetrated to the minions. They are subliminally calling them Capital Nones (or should it be Nuns) as they suck them in to corporate enriching credit agreements that provide addictive impulse spending behavior that lines our bank accounts with the riches of some Saudi prince or king.

Yes, I am in a happier place. I wonder how Trolly is doing. I suppose we should prepare for the impending religious onslaught. Now there is a money making opportunity and a nice way to get away with things financial.

See you at the Wailing Wall or is it the Great Wal of Mart?

Marketing 101 - sure sex sells, but guilt and feel good causes sell more. Join the causes and be a follower. It makes leaders rich.

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