Friday, March 7, 2008

The Agony of Capitalism

It is quite astonishing the disdain that success in American business can brood. It is even comical how some see the world differently than the greatest CEO such as myself. In discussions with my top advisors, and a side monologue amongst myself, I am told that profitable companies are evil, non-profitable companies are desired, and the American dream is to simply own a home and pay the bills. So innovation, aspiration, competitiveness, and excellence no longer matter. How did this intellectual retardation occur? How did everyone become dumber than Kim Jong Il? How did it get to the point where everyone seems to speak out of both sides of their mouths and declare they are not contradicting themselves? How did it become where pro-profit individuals are automatically relegated as being affilliated to the Republican party and one who is against profits for both corporations and individuals are cast as Democrats? Is it only those who currently hold, or those who currently seek to hold leadership positions grasp that they are all profiteers and selfishly greedy as much as I, the greatest CEO of all time? Does no one get that Oil is a must until something better, exceedingly better than ethanol, comes along on a global scale? That Global Warming is much more a scare tactic than any true man made article of imminent self destruction? The world wants plastic and concrete. Both need oil to produce. So oil company Exxon Mobil posted a beautiful capitalistic profit of almost $40,000,000,000 and becuase the economy is down in the dumps it's the haves that are to blame so they are the evil empire. Meanwhile all of the presidential candidates are hurting by taking exemplary action and not using their planes, cars, homes etc. so to show us all how evil it is to be associated with oil. I see Microsoft posted a wonderful capital profit of $14,000,000,000 and they remain embraced as representing good over evil all the while consuming oil based items. Yet I look at our soddy gravedigger financial institutions and see they have wonderful capitalistic losses, but I see rage and angst against these corporations for providing no profits, the opposite of how Exxon Mobil is treated. So I ask, why is Exxon Mobil so detested for being successful at its business? Microsoft is successful but not detested in similar fashion, and the financial institutions are teetering on the brink of utter collapse and no one is cheering. This is insanity of such proportions that I am just so glad to drink my coffee from my elitist Corporate Dick coffee mug. Matter of fact, I think I'll put on my cozy Corporate Dick sweat shirt and relish the agony of capitalism.

If you do not win or succeed because the rules did not go your way, change the rules until you win. I think things are heating up on the political front.


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