Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Journal News = Cowardice

I must admit my ribs are quite tender from laughing so hard at the hypocrisy displayed by the Journal News when they were approached by correspondents from Fox News. 

I would not hesitate one bit to cancel my subscription to a paper that takes action such as this and then goes mute and hides from the press such as Fox News wanting to ask questions as to why they thought this was a good idea.  The Journal News would not allow you to hide if you did something that infringed on some in the public environment.  Heck they'd be parked outside your house for days on end sensationalizing what an evil person you are etc.  Shame on this type of journalism.  Deeply burying your head in the sand to avoid being taken to task on something is not the quality an organization should seek in their employees character.

Sometimes the true character emerges and proves you are wasting your money