Monday, March 31, 2008

The United States of Xenophobia

If you are an excellent CEO you will have an inherited, innate and hysterically orchestrated embedded core anchored in xenophobia. It comes naturally when you are naturally despised. Extrapolate that down the corporate ladder to the lowest rungs and you will see that there are variations in the constitutional elements within the masses xenophobia. At the elitist rung where I exist the xenophobia is more fear focused. That is why I wear a bullet proof vest. It is not that I am fearful of others but rather of others animosity towards me. The more animosity that exists the more I know I am doing my job. At the lower rungs, where the little people swim, dance, and scrump, the xenophobia is strongly based in both fear and hatred. This is good for the elitist rich and ruling class such as myself as it keeps things in the appropriate pecking order. If the lower masses all of a sudden realized there is strength in numbers, and juxtaposition themselves just so, the current balance of things could possibly tumble in favor of the have nots. Shh. Just think of the chaos these minions would cause simply trying to execute one simple task. Imagine them trying to determine how to distribute wealth. I can only conclude that they are at the lower echelons for a reason. If your neurons are snapping together with an understanding of what has just been presented to you then you understand what is going on in the United States of Xenophobia. Maybe you should vote for a change. Then what is mine will be yours and we can join hands and sing that sappy 1970s coca cola song ... Id like to teach the world to sing ... Trolly! Where are the vomit bags? I think I feel nauseous. By the way, everyone in that video got laid... mmmmm... Question is in what way?

If you fear death wear a vest.

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