Monday, March 10, 2008

What's In Your Kismet?

It is urgent that I get this message to as many as possible. Such colliding chaos and turmoil runs amuck in my vast CEO cranium. I ended up mingling with the lower echelon by accident this weekend and was told that the end is near. Some are saying it is in the year of their father 2012, others stated it could be any day now. I woke this morning in a cold sweat as most superior CEOs do. I dreamt that they were plotting my execution for defending an innocent person that worked for one of my subsidiaries. Apparently the Vatican has identified new sins to keep us all busy with incurring additional costs of freedom. When I realized that the FBI was investigating Countrywide for securities fraud I felt all warm outside and all cold inside. At last someone would be recognized and championed for outstanding performance in a financial market. All of a sudden my late uncle Wahtya Noen appeared and began informing me that sometimes we find ourselves at points in our lives where we think we arrived by some predestined kismet. Many times these are simply true things that we should ignore so that we do not make decisions that should never be undecided. I could only think that when a CEO lets their guard down and believes they are serving their interests based on some foretold kismet of fortune, or misfortune, there is only one disastrous outcome that can be. Uncle Wahtya Noen simply regurgitated on to never believe in the power of love unless you are wearing a condom. The key is to remain somewhere and do not let anyone notice when you are no where. Otherwise you might get to wear bits of gewgaw to get yourself temporarily noticed, but who cares in that regard or vain? Either way you will still look like Herbert Hoover, be you male or female. However, on the bright side of it all, your biggest achievements may be changing car insurance, fantasizing, and reconciling your life by lying to yourself in your old age that you wouldn't trade a thing or do anything differently. This separates the meek from the executive classes. It is the only instance where denial and truth are clearly polarized to their own kismet. Who's running for president? So now you know what happens when the meek are promoted to executive positions. Just say Countrywide, Enron, or World com. I still don't understand why these companies aren't praised for returning non-profits. They have shown they are not evil greedy organizations like Nike and Microsoft. Where is Michael Moore when he is truly needed? A life lived through benevolence is a life riddled without destiny and infested with bouts of perpetual delirium.

I always said Ken Lay was a pussy.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Michael Moore? Why enjoying a Supersized biscuit no doubt.

You need to get sleep earlier otherwise you become a Xanax Zombie.

Wake up people!

Anywho, does anyone know where I can get a nice piece?

Eliot Spitzer