Monday, March 17, 2008

Capitalism Interference

I do not know where to begin this fine day. What better example of capitalism interference could there be than the Fed backing the J.P. Morgan purchase of Bear Stearns? Tremendous! If you are going to be a great CEO and leader then you have to be a team player. With that in mind it is best that the status quo be maintained. The rich must stick together. The stock price for BSC just might be at a premium. It is tough enough just trying to remember how to spell Bernanke so we should just refer to him as Ben the Second of Greenspan. We cannot have the global economy feel the results of its attempts to wreak economic havoc upon our great nation. Stand tall and be superior to no one. Great leaders are not born or made, they are for sale. Meanwhile the good fight continues between the greatest live comedy performance ever in the history of the world. Barack boom boom Obama versus Hillary do over Clinton. Remember it is the long term that matters. What is happening now is not long term so it does not matter.


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