Thursday, March 13, 2008

Wimpy CEOs

It is good to see that Larry King is hosting the new Hookers Live talk show. However, there is another story taking place while the former CEO of New York, The Itsy Bitsy Spitzer, is in the prime time spot light. Supposedly Mr. Spitzer is walking on tipped toes. There is a very irritating breed of CEOs, and possibly worker bees. I call them wimpys. Wimpy CEOs are sleazy opportunists that strike when another fellow CEO is getting clobbered in the public eye. One such wimp is Southwest Airlines CEO Gary Kelly. Coming out and publicly apologizing for trying to increase profits by diminishing safety priorities while Mr. Spitzer takes all the heat due to the complete public consumption of a powerful CEO sex scandal is simply cowardice. Apologizing at this point in the game just cuts into all of the profits gained by the safety diminishment strategy that was implemented. Shame. Whatever happened to ethical conduct? Towel snapping for your derriere at the country club showers for you Mr. Kelly. Great CEOs keep to their strategies even during the rough times because they know that the long run will bear fruit even while the short term may give the illusion that the fruit is rotting.


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