Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Corporate Health Costs

As a CEO I find it incomprehensible that our corporations are being gouged by the health care insurance providers. How dare they now champion that obesity and not smoking is the major cause of health care concerns. My fellow CEOs let us band together and institute a plan that will truly affect our health insurance costs, and at the same time benefit America. We all know that smoking prevents obesity and that death removes that marginal cost of health care. We need to promote to our employees the importance of smoking and especially the need for them to die at the earliest convenience. As we eradicate longevity so too will we eradicate the need to deal with non productive citizens who drain our social and economical resources. I want a new smoking policy reviewed immediately. I just don't get it. The longer people live the more they will burden our health care system which can only cause costs to increase. Thank God oil has hit the $100 per barrel mark.


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