Monday, December 31, 2007

It's Time for a Witch Hunt

Blast it! Someone needs to take the heat for the recent atrocious activitities of business. Imagine those evil empires attempting to make lending money for mortgages to losers available at any cost! How dare they! No one is getting hurt. The losers were able to get a house for a short time which is far better than they would have done without this easy access venture. The businesses will falter for a time but who cares. Remember, it doesn't matter in the short run. It's the long term that matters. Where is Michael Milken now that we need him? Such cowardice. Oops. Or is that Whoops as in the utility scam in the early 80's in Washington State. And let us not forget the notorious and most recent collapse of conglomerates such as Enron, Worldom etc. Certainly of which our political leaders squelched as quickly as possible so as to prevent a total collapse of our financial markets since all know full well that creative accounting was going on as easily as giving credit cards to any knuckle head who wanted a mortgage. So why not give em a mortgage huh? So let us start the new year with a scape goat of sorts and a much broader deflector. Just look at how the baby boomers are going to bankrupt our country as they start to access social security that they paid into as required by law. But hey, lets just change the law.


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