Sunday, January 20, 2008

Babble On

As we boldly move to a real time Bill Maher society that depends on diaper rash statements to bid "feel good" audience applause, to make ratings that justify air time, in lieu of sensibilities that all CEOs possess, let us bow our heads in shame as we continue forth in pitiful laughter, that is, and remains forthcoming, from the pundits we find running for the replacement of the second greatest CEO of all time. Through mush and sludge of hilarity, as we ponder how, or what kind of new stains will avail themselves to us, we will all find in the end that a stain is just a stain, and a politician just a politician. Being the most powerful CEO of all time can, at times, cause one to not see the microcosmic view that the media midgets utilize daily. Rodeo clowns have to work too. This is why the little people understand the greatness of a Jihad fearing christian versus a Jihad fearing atheist. They grasp that CEOs love money and so do Christians and atheists. Agnostics too. Sometimes the snow melts while you are making cotton candy.


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