Thursday, January 31, 2008

Erroriniack The Second

So if genial is pronounced jean knee ull then denial is pronounced dean knee ull. This makes much sense from a political debate perspective. But who knows what a powerful CEO such as myself is talking about except of course myself. Let us move beyond this ponderance of self infliction. What I think all should do is fill their ears with the noise that is now possible to create. Erroriniack The Second plays into most everything since he existed way before the creation of time. All profound CEOs know Erroriniack The Second was born the moment time was invented. For once upon a time there came to exist shapes and forms that tried to harness time into manageable fragments that were then parsed and communicated with one syllable utterances. Over time these shapes and forms melded into present day humans that developed the prehistoric capability to design and merge matter and manner into relative notions that some things should be best kept close to the vest of one or a few. They called this a "secret". Then the mantras of the managers mandated the manifestation of keeping a list of the secrets so as not to lose track of what secret was what and whose secret was about what and whom. With whimsical forethought the mandated manifestation mantra mongers elapsed too much time so as to grow their shapes and forms to such oval propensities that some looked like pears, some looked like squares, some perfect circles and others twisted amongst all the others into twistling twisted pretzels. As this continued the manifested managers mandated a new mantra that all were growing too large and that they all must shrink so as to stay healthy. To get the pears, ovals, circles and pretzels to take this seriously they implemented propaganda that spread the belief that if they shrunk, not only would they get healthy, but also wise. Then came along the lone pretzel that stood alone and away from the others, no one wanted the pretzel without salt so one of the managers mandated to the mantra mongers that more of the less items could bring broader shrinkage and a new belief system that would empower the shrinking ovals, pears, circles and pretzels into fewer cubicles. In order to accomodate this less larger growth all were collected and placed in a shape called a building and all were divided into groups. A group for squares, a group for circles, a group for pears and so on. Then the individual groups turned on each other as they tired of one another and hostilities broke out. The managing mantra mongers decided that to regain order and tranquility that they should promote from within starting with promoting themselves to directors, executives, CEOs, board of directors, and Chairmen of the Board. To this day no one has been able to find the board. To keep the minion pears, circles, squares and pretzels from realizing this the managers, directors, board members and chairmen created two concepts. Diversity and Supervisors. Now, and to this day, the pears, squares, circles, and pretzels are so busy whining amongst themselves, between groups, and complaining to their supervisors that they still have not realized no board has ever been found. When it is found the real meaning of this writing will be known to all living beings and the true identity of Erroriniack The Second will become known. A second can be many things at once. Remember to live up to your expectations and not down to others.


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