Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Rest Assured

I am so sorrry for being somewhat remiss from my postings. I have been working on my fate of the union address. Rest assured my true believers. The current FBI probe into proposed financial institution fraud within the sub prime sector is purely one to wag the dog away from the tail so as to allay fears that a recession is really happening. Rest assured it is happening. Unfortunately Martha Stewart is unavailable to be a participating scape goat. We all felt more secure when they sent her to that charm school as punishment for doing nothing as sinister as those fine well respected friends of Cheney, Ken Lay and associates from his company Enron. He made me so proud. The perfect example of how to utilize denial. Even Mr. Lays wife played the pity card so eloquently that I thought the tears welling up in my eyes weren't caused by the acid rain that develops in the mens room just off the board room at now defunt Arthur Andersen. But that is old news. We must stay current so we find ourselves still grasping for tolerance and forgiveness to be applied with a simple wrist slap, possible probation, and some nice interest rate cuts by the fed. What a leader. I don't think I, or even a commoner, could have asked for a more appealing, qualified, and sincere character of integrity within this group of presidential candidates to demonstrate just how easy it is for the eyes to water from the burning sensation that continues to linger inside the mens room at the capital building, the white house, the executive offices, the treasury department, the library of congress, and the news media. Perhaps Hillary should use the womens room?


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