As I perish the fantasy of meeting Sarah Pelosi and Nancy Palin on line through the exciting Craigslist adult services classifieds my heart sinks deep into my gut and prolongs my erectile dysfunction. The reality of what this means to all who pay federal income taxes must be difficult to digest and form any true realistic perspective. Political whores like Henry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, John Boehner, and John McCain ad nauseum, certainly are relishing this feeble moment of nat sized proportions. Obama, Holder, the Czars of Intrusion, and that other dim bulb of idiocratic delusions, Emmanuel ramble onward towards a glorious perpetual campaign of victorious defeat through acting in the worst interest of the collective whole.
As the Gregorian chants a melody towards the Republican party of no boomerangs into the minds of the masses, and the racist Democratic seeded mantra spews forward to label Tea Partiers as evil zealots who know not what they do outside of a redneck's trailer park, it becomes obvious that Obama and his band of just out of diapers voters need a Mosque to worship in. It would be from this place that wondrous new economic growth could embellish and transcend all to be good ethnocentrically correct citizens who need to pay higher taxes so that the status quo of welfare recipients can prosper and grow their base.
To balance the powers of evil a new order of right winged virgins will build structures of worship called Super malls that will incite the proposition to ban gay marriage and provide the Mosque worshippers with fossil fueled Subarus built by Mosque worshipping General Motors union labor. The order of the peace will be monitored by the sensitive upright New Pinkie Pantie Panther Party and members of SEIU as well as the secret federal order of prominent anti Craigslist scanners.
As Artie Lang would so eloquently summarize all of this as a pussy pow wow.
Both sides plot to exploit their minions to wail for a mantra of promotional enterprise.
Maybe this will be continued in the form of economics.
I have to go pay the illegal Mexican that mows my lawn.
Sometimes you get what you deserve and wished for. Most times you get worse than common sense.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Obamanomically Incorrectness and the Republican Spoof
Henry Reid,
John Boehner,
John McCain,
Nancy Pelosi,
Sarah Palin,
Tea Party
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