Sunday, December 9, 2007

December 7, 2007

It looks like everything is okay over in Pearl Harbor. However, apparently things are not so good in the American housing market. Pundits from all over are chanting, screaming and pontificating how we are doomed, that the U.S will soon be no more. I don't get it?

Regarding our current state of the unions economic status.

Corporate Dick says hooey! What crisis? The glass is half full. While we watch the transition from “what’s mine is mine” to “what’s mine is yours” let us be thankful that we lose everything now instead of watching some new democratic policy get implemented to redistribute your wealth to some punk who couldn’t even spell the word WORK. There’s nothing like a nice long Economic depression to go along with that Psychological depression. Recessions are for weenies.
Now get back to work, well, at least act like you are working. Isn't shopping on line fun?


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