Saturday, May 17, 2008

God Bless Corporate Dick!!!

Some points to consider, or Tips From A CEO.

Remember in this day and age profits are evil, non profits are bad, but bonuses are always warranted, in good times and bad.

From Exxon to Washington Mutual, from the East coast to the West, the only thing wrong for any CEO, is to not make a lot of green from the environment.

Pave the Planet, and Save the Males, The Universe is falling, and time will tell the tale.

Red rover red rover send Al Gore on over… uh… please don’t send Al Gore on over…. Unless it is over there which is way far away from over here...

Brought to you by the National Green Corporation to Make You Feel Good About Buying Green Products That Are No Earth Friendlier Than Other Than Green Products.

Sometimes when you see something you do not notice it.


Anonymous said...

I'm thinking that if you spent more time being productive, and less time whining about the corporate world, you'd be a lot better off.

Corporate Dick said...

Your thinking appears to be misplaced. Why are you distancing yourself from George W. Bush?