Thursday, June 19, 2008

Where Leaders Do Not Exist

Trolly I cannot find the light switch on my own. Somehow I have been defenestrated to a netherworld of incomprehensible tolerance. I find this to be intolerable when the tolerance levels have breached the threshold that then requires intolerance. Cheers to the West. I appeared inside a Shell gas station and found my beer of choice. Nothing better than a good India Pale Ale for the bitter hopped job of delegation. I took one out of the six pack and proceeded to the counter. I looked at the attendant and inquired if there were any pet friendly hotels around. He replied in a manner truly befitting a stoned Tommy Chong ... uh I don't know I never stay at them... to which I replied ... neither do I... the attendant was now partially confused and hesitantly continued to ring up my bottle of beer. It was as if he was trying to remember something. Just as he was bagging the bottle, while the charge processed through the electronic retail system of credit tolerance, he stopped and in another gracious stoned stupor approximating stuttering he stated ... uh we cant sell this beer by the bottle... I paused and briefly stared at him with the intellect befitting a third grader mentality and replied ...Why? This completely baffled him and I knew we would remain frozen in time unless great leadership was implemented immediately. I stated ... okay... and rushed back to the beer section and grabbed the six pack from which I had taken the one bottle and returned to the counter. I informed the challenged youth to take the simple path and ring up the six pack. The charge processed and as he started to draw a bag to place the six pack in I grabbed my bottle and said ... keep the rest I just want the one bottle... the stoner was paralyzed and unable to comprehend what actions this would require him to do... It was out of my hands. Leadership was defenestrated with my departing. Now to find sleeping quarters without anyone knowing they are serving the greatest CEO of all time... The pets have become a great disguise of liberal concern for all humanity as I witness pure gluttony all around me. I pull into a Travel Lodge Inn... Ah... a tavern of possible future consequence...

Sometimes leaving is safer than staying put.

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