Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Are You Fucking Kidding Me?!

Are you fucking kidding me?!  The best that can compete for 2012 against Obama are these right wing knuckleheads?  When will both sides of center realize that the folks want the center?  We don't want Obama welfare states of European flavoring nor do we want the GOP's lunacy of morality marinated in dimwitted religious syrup.  Americans are pretty much tired and disgusted of the status quo.  The majority see through Obama's current cloaked veil that is swirling into the antics as some type of middle class saviour.  Likewise, they see the folly of the demonizing podiatry of the GOP's fear mongering.  Both the right and left are extremely guilty of transgressions against legal voting citizens and their constitutional protections.  Neither has even attempted to fix the immigration disaster for fear of losing votes.  Both are guilty of causing the destruction of personal wealth across the middle class.  The right for setting up the fall and the left for spiking the final blows.  Within all of these extremes are the interpolating carcinogens known as the mainstream media or rather mediocre.  The media have misreported, misrepresented and completely ignored serious issues when it impedes their political agendas.  The sheep never even notice the ones holding their hands and offering to help are the very ones who are the root of the cancerous afflictions. 

You've got to be fucking kidding me!  All that is available for Americans to choose from is Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann and John Huntsman?  What the fuck?!  Herman Cain still stands out as the front leader and he's no longer in the race!!!

None of the candidates bring anything to the table, they have already been career politicians and have fixed nothing and have ruined everything.  Cram Obama into that classification as well.  This is the most exorbitant display of insanity where one expects a different outcome by doing the same thing over and over again.

Sometimes you just know something terrible is going to happen.  Perhaps it would be best if the Mayan calendar were correct. 

Hope and change, hope and change, yes we can't!!!


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