Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

First and foremost, fuck all of you, old and young.  Fuck Bill O'Reilly, Bill Maher, Jon Stewart, Wolf Blitzer, Morning Joe, and the rest of the stupid bunch.  They all have gotten very rich playing to your emotions that don't matter one bit with what is reality.  They all just have the gift of a silver tongue.  This includes Obama.  Obama is one of many Americans who come from privilege.  All these different color spectrum's proclaiming racism and death to whitey are simply ignorant of truth.  Humankind is made up of all breeds of twisted extremist with the center mostly understanding what is right.  Obama, has no inkling of peril and the stakes in play from the elements that hate us to our core.  They hate us for believing that each individual has equal rights and no one shall ever deny us our pursuits.  This is something that has prospered to a great reality in our country and unlike any other nation to wit.  Sure we started with the same ignorance of other nations.  That slavery was right, that rich were of a higher caliber of existence, that poor shall perish at the priority of the wealthy, that women should not be heard or seen but serve only specific servitude type purposes.   Yet, year after year we seem to have liberated ourselves from those thoughts and beliefs of stupidity.  Though individuals before us were treated wrong or indifferent, the ones who changed things for the better were the ones that folks seem to blame for their plight today. 

Is that right?  If we equaled the playing field all at once, and took all the wealth from the rich and the corporations and distributed all of it equally amongst all what do you think would become of us?  Should we show care and a lending hand to those who destroy all that was given to them on an equal footing?  If yes, then why should we even consider such a theory of redistribution of wealth.  There will always be inequality across all of us.  Some are, and always will be, dumber than others.  It matters not what your skin color or education etc.  It just is the way of nature and the social environment one is exposed to.  So I guess you should blame yourself first, your parents second until you can admit you only have yourself to blame. 

Sometimes we need less than what the media or others preach we need.  Fuck all of you!!!  God Bless!!!

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