Friday, December 11, 2009

You Just Need To Feel Good

Now that the current CEO of America is displaying his thin skinned leadership capabilities and as folks begin to realize he marketed himself with the allure of the retail marketing phenomenon known as Bait and Switch, when will the real outcry for the immediate termination of Fancy "Botox" Pelosi, and Harry "the Sleaze" Reid reach its realistic volume level? Let us pray. Dear Lord, as fucked up as we may be, bless our greedy needs and selfish interests as liberals, moderates and conservatives, to smite the evil doers that lurk amongst us. And Lord, shallow be thy name, please let us see once and for all that you never had blue eyes or really looked like a white Caucasian Togo partying liberal, but rather a true zealot of civil unrest much like we have today in the likeness of Obama who hasn't ever done anything but hath wreaked upon us the Chicago mob style of politics where the only real goal of all objectives is to eradicate America from America and Fox news. And Lord, may you bless Shawn Hannity so he may sleep well without a hemorrhoid cushion and let Nancy Pelosi continue to rule amongst us by virtue of her Tampax and the coyness of Harry Reid's own self induced menstruations.

In your name we react

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