Monday, April 21, 2008

Green Global Warming

How green is the universe? 750,000 years ago the Earth spun at a different rate of speed, and in a different position upon its axis than it does today. Back then there was a serious global warming similar of what the histrionics clamor about today. A scary being also roamed the Earth back then who is known as one of the earliest ancestors to Al Gore. A prehistoric ass hole.

Though its belly was not as nourished, and facial cheeks not as chubby, the prehistoric ass hole caused a global crisis of manic proportions. The prehistoric ass hole would travel around the globe, in its prehistoric jet, touting green vitals in order to stop the global warming. Because the prehistoric ass hole could not mine gold of his own volition he charged others to bring him gold to keep his level of income in tact. Scientists today now understand that the global warming was caused by unpredictable physic variants in the elements of cross gender solar flares that were the result of the prehistoric ass holes bad breath (the theory of hot air).

As a result of the prehistoric ass hole perpetually preaching convenient lies, the excretions he exhaled began to change weather patterns inside the atmosphere between the two polar caps. Science has since discovered this bad breath syndrome is of a tetrogenic seismiscope mutation which means it passed along to Al Gore himself.

What will be discovered 750,000 years from now is that Al Gore caused global warming simply by living and breathing. Regardless, climate change simply cannot be a culminating and evolutionary cycle of events from cometosis, asteroid activity, sunbursts and solar flares, changes in universal weather, earth quakes, volcano eruptions, human farting (methane expulsion), and intergalactic music festival activity. Simple interplanetary mining of natural resources and the exploitation of those resources towards increased corporate profits has no impact on the universal state of fear that elevates chicken little to the situation we have today of running for president.

750,000 years ago profits were good and cherished even though global warming was developing. Other than that the only difference was there were more happy homeless people back then.

Sometimes when you sleep you wake up.

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