Monday, February 4, 2008

Something In The Air

I do not know where to begin. This is probably one of those rare posts where I am somewhat more serious than usual. Perhaps it is a result of watching that super bowl game and seeing what can be accomplished by individuals who don’t listen to the mainstream media that had castigated them as having a false sense of confidence, and not a chance in hell of being in the same league as the Patriots. Perhaps it was just the result of eating chocolate ice cream with pepperoni and tuna fish sauce. Every CEO carries a few good tunes in their heads. The great ones carry them not just in their heads but also within their hearts. It is fuel for battle so they may ever fight the scourge of Managementally Transmitted Diseases (MTDs) and evil in the presence of being so themselves. It is difficult to fight both externally and internally. So with this, and failing to see humor as I normally do amongst the virtual cyberspace horizons, that normally provide fodder and pickles that relish inside brick and mortar conglomerate institutions, I turn to the only show in town. Super Tuesday, where some hopefully seek a voting booth and believe they count. Don’t fear as it is only a temporary feeling. It will go away as soon as you turn on your TV, listen to the news media, or arrive at work. What more could a CEO ask for? I do desire to discuss something that has been distressing my feeble mind. It seems now more than ever we are in need of wresting back our identity. How we do this is very complicated. So complicated is the process that it involves one having to learn how to transport themselves to a place with voting booths, standing in line, showing a voter registration card, getting a ballot, walking the ballot to a booth and then using all the cognitive skills one could ever muster from within and choosing the least worst choice available. So when you do this try to ask these types of questions to yourself. Who of those listed truly represents a sincere voice for the people and who represents the same status quo political shenanigans that have been going on since you were born? Who brings to the table a collective representation of how our nation is and will continue to grow into, and who represents trying to social engineer the masses by legal or religious fear? Do not instantly think legal or religious fear conveys solely republicans for it surely does not. Many of you are wrapped up in a very understandable frustration, anger, and hatred towards the current administration. It is unfortunate if you vote with that coursing through your being as you are half wrong from the start in your beliefs. Things are as they are because of both political parties not acting in your best interest and only acting in a manner that will cause situations to return terrible results in order to finger point, complain and lay blame in order to achieve victory at the voting booth. The politicians know you all buy into this hook line and sinker. Who of all the candidates offering nothing but rhetoric, truly represent hope for change and who jumped on the “agents of change” spin wagon once they realized the theme was the popular thing among the voters? I, the greatest CEO of all time, have finally decided on who I will cast my non-counting vote for. Most should be able to understand who it is by listening to this simple tune that was embedded in my CEO heart long ago… Warning: THIS IS MUSIC.

The short kid with no shirt is Jimmy McCulloch (15 or 16 years old in this video) who later became lead guitarist for the Paul McCartney band Wings. Pianist Andy “Thunderclap” Newman (what a great piano bit huh). Drummer is John “Speedy” Keen. I believe Pete Townshend of The Who is the other guitarist (looks like him and he formed the band). I cannot determine the bass player. Pete Townshend played bass on the LPs.

No matter what keep your false sense of security and confidence. You can do it! So CD will ask the tough question. Will the next president re-institute the military draft? Mmm?


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