Wednesday, July 14, 2010

New Pinkie Pantie Panther Party Expose Panties With Ranties for NAACP

As the New Pinkie Pantie Panther Party exonerates their squirting zits and pick their noses declaring proximity of no existence a faint disposition begins to appear on the horizon of Obama politics.  With Tony Hayward no where to be found the distraction away from the greatest intellectual failures regains hyper focus directly at the democrats and Obama.  New promise apparently is greatest in the impending collapse of the economy as the spend thrift keeps whipping out his American Distress credit card and delivers us to chaotic welfare and despair.  What's a poor boy from Chicago to do?  With his prominent foot in mouth attorney general disseminating judicial fungus, as well as SEIU and ACORN anti democracy practices come to light, there is only lower places or people to turn too to help distract attention away from the Bush Bashing, Hope and Change touting, War Disowning, Transparent Phony intellectual.  Enter the New Pinkie Pantie Panther Party.  With a leader who looks like the twin of P Diddy only one other organization can wield more power than a fly stuck on fly paper.  The NAACP now declares the Tea Party is racist?  How convenient.  Simply genius.  One minor glitch in the whole design.  The majority of Americans are now wise to the pied pipers antics and have reconciled themselves to one resolve.  We need to legalize marijuana.

Sometimes politicians make us wish we had a deadly venereal disease. 

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