Saturday, June 5, 2010

Doing Others Dirty Work

Death to the Taliban, Al- Qaeda, and OBL! This is OBL and Ahmadinejad's fault! Drop bombs not soldiers! Why is it our kids/U.S. civilians who are soldiers, are rising to the occassion that Afghan civilians and other nations should be rising too? Life isn't fair and societies need to determine their social and political environments on their own. The only thing we should be doing is providing all of these nations the ultimatum of "Hand over OBL or we will come and get him." This goes for Pakistan as well. Additionally we need to put a lid on that pip squeak Ahmadinejad.. It's insanity to let this nut case get nuclear capability in any form. We turn our back on our allies and attempt to make friends with terrorists. They know we are weak, that our current non-leadership administration is afraid, and are taking full advantage of it. These kooks will look you square in the eyes, shake your hand, nod and agree with you while plotting their next strike against you. When will we grow some balls and demonstrate where things are on the food chain? Drop bombs not soldiers! The left politicized our military actions in order to cast Bush as evil so they could gain the presidency etc. via a popularity campaign. Dems made this into Vietnam Two. So far all we have seen is that Obama would be a better performer as an actor in Hollywood than as a leader of the greatest nation on Earth. All he does when confronted with a bad situation is attempt to spin blame on someone else rather than deal with the situation. I recall Obama saying we would hunt OBL down... I bet OBL will still be on the loose after Obama is done playing/acting as a president. Has anyone seen the World Trade Center Towers lately? What happened to those buildings? Someone told me that passenger jetliners flew into them...

Dear Obama, mandate that alternative energy infrastructures are started to be put in place at existing gas stations, truck stops, rest areas for electric, natural gas, hydrogen etc, provide incentives for people to trade in their existing vehicles or convert them if possible, and stimulate the manufacturing of these new vehicles... all ofthis will start an economic growth and get us off of foreigh oil and hunt down OBL and get us out of the middle east but do not turn your back on our allies like Israel in order to make friends with terrorists. Oh, and quit spending money on stupid stuff that doesn’t create sustaining jobs, and start getting China paid off. Obama and his crew is screwing all of us. Can you feel it? For crying out loud these idiots applauded Mexico's president and are turning their backs on our own state officials. Don't enforce the laws... we might lose votes! Same thing they did with the Iraq and Afghan war effort. Long term consequences will deliver us all much regret. At least everyone will have some minimal level of meaningless health care as it ruins our economy. This has been like watching the stroy of the Pied Piper of Hamelin.
Sometimes perpetuating lies creates false truths that in turn create stupid people and group think that swarms amongst the masses so reality is forgotten.

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