Thursday, October 25, 2012

Don't Remember to Vote

As a great prominent CEO under the American enterprise of capitalism my critical thoughts reside in the upcoming presidential election.  It befuddles my simplest realms of intelligence how an individual could review the basic principals of economics and foreign policy interlaced with political regiments of game theory amongst our adversaries and contemporaries and conclude that the current reign of leadership should remain for another four years.  The simplest element is based on a theory of simple math involving addition and subtraction, the other element is simply based in integrity and ethics.  Imagine you work all day in the fields of your farm.  The sweat you plied to bring in your harvest in order to meet the needs for the coming year, kids education, groceries, fuel consumption, gifts for holidays, cell phones and utilities, entertainment, kids activities, retirement savings etc.  Imagine you go out and purchased all of these items up front for the whole year.  Upon returning home you are greeted by the IRS to collect half of what you just stocked up on as a result of your hard work.  After you eagerly hand over half of this you are taxed additionally on your property, fuel, sales/consumption tax, additional local fees for automotive and recreational license fees to compensate for lower revenues due to leadership at all levels of your government not making tough decisions.  Additionally you are informed that you need to pay additional taxes in order for your government leadership to provide companies like GM and financial institutions revenues to keep them in business because the leadership of those enterprises didn't do their jobs while stashing away billions in their own personal pockets.  So now you provide 70% of your harvest and have 30% for yourself.  Next you are greeted by your three adult children at the front door and all ask if they can move back home.  You have no choice they have no where else to go.  At dinner the discussion is an interplay of eating and interrupting XBox gaming asking what your kids are going to do.  They each respond that your generation needs to get use to the new economy.  That this is how things are in Europe and we have to start transitioning to this way of life so that everyone has an equal chance for prosperity and opportunity.  Governments know how to provide for the people.   While your kids are playing their XBox games, and all are stuffing their bellies with Jack in the Box and Papa Johns pizza the Ambassador to Libya is trying to contact his offices in the mainland to let them know that impending terrorist attacks are being planned upon their office.  To please send additional security.  You grab another slice of pizza and wash it down with swig of all sugar cola.  The ambassador gets no answer except that security manpower is not available.  No alert to evacuate is given.  Two days later the attacks begin and in two hours the CIA informs the American president that the attacks are a result of the terrorist group al-kayduh (intended).  You are eating your left over pizza and the news comes on reporting that sources identify a video made in America that mock the prophet mohammad that caused the attacks.  The president sends mixed messages  that terrorism is bad and the head of state declares the American government had nothing to do with film making.  No mention of terrorism is mentioned.  No one questions the government leaders.  Large corporations fear questioning the status quo as they may lose their graces to get billions of dollars should they perform poorly.  Media reporters are hesitant to inquire as their questioning carries the potential to cast the government leaders in a negative manner and their corporate bosses need the current leaders in power so they continue to reap billions in exemptions and tax deductions and to provide their personal political propaganda clout at its peak levels.  All who clamor to the status quo as their cognition is unable to comprehend that something is wrong and that common sense and rationale would signal that the leadership is lying to them.  The next day 3 of those individuals go to work.  They are in disbelief that anyone who doesn't agree with them that leadership could even think of lying.  Surely the video mocking mohammad caused the killings.  All 3 of these individuals are managers of human resources at their conglomerate organizations.  They make $350,000 dollars a year.   Coincidentally each are confronted with evidence that an employee has lied on their resume 20 years ago about their college education or their age.  "This is an OUTRAGE" they cry.  We pay these employees $60,000 a year!  We can't tolerate lying.  The employees are immediately fired. 

Sometimes the blind can see.

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